We weren’t in F6 yet though you nerd
FTR I was going to just not guess had I woken up earlier which would’ve been gamer AF.
Yes but we would’ve been next round.
Okay? Both you and Marshal knew I was sorc
you could’ve at least voted me out
I don’t think I deserved to get this far, tbh.
I have no idea why people didn’t vote me out when they knew I was MAA.
shooting me while we’re allied is just omega dick move
I literally saved your life twice
I have major trust issues so /shrug.
you better hope I don’t get kp next btm
i will hold this grudge for eternity if i have to
I won’t be in next BtM probs because of school so you’ll have to wait.
ayaya intensifies
We joke about how chloe is future sulit
but we are forgetting about the dark truth
zone is the future light
don’t go down this path light it’s not too late
I love how my thief swaps had 0 impact all game. Go me
Nice RNG Kill btw.
I may or may not have accidentally thrown this game
You wouldn’t be the first one lol
Don’t sweat it, my EoG was… not good, to say the least.
Honestly I was laughing how you never chose the right target to swap it.
I was thinking after the first poison, you might have gotten the second.
Actually, the first one I think was like obvious because Seth was someone who I like fully expected to die quickly, though I guess hindsight is 50 50 lol
I was mostly protecting myself and Hippo
This is true