Behind the Masks 3: Royal Returns (Game End)

Switzerland is neutral

Light was switching alliances at the speed of sound

That’s not neutral that’s crazy

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It would’ve worked
I’m just gonna stop repeating the same thing over and over like a broken record
everyone already knows

I wasn’t saying it was bad in my comment

I wasn’t switching alliances though
I made new alliances whenever my old ones died
I never had more than 5 alliances until those big “anti” alliances

Everyone can confirm
My plan with all of my alliances was to just chill until F6 (F4 with Marshal), and I never had more than 5

hey, our alliance wasn’t a lie, I just merged your alliance with Jane with ours, so we all worked together.

That’s when my gameplan changed to making one of you win.

@Wazza my only lie to you was a misdirection with my alliances
at that point in time I believed in all of the roles I told you

I never said that Jane was my only alliance
I just said that I was in an alliance with Jane and left the others out because it wasn’t necessary

no worries wazza, i shouldn’t have kept asking for challenges lol i brought it upon myself. it was good thinking from ya

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Reeeee, I knew I shouldn’t have trusted Marshal.

Anyway, don’t think I would’ve won against Ami/Apprentice regardless of what happened.



Oi, nerds.

Hippo was actively betraying me.

was he tho

Yes, he was.

talking about betraying

I don’t think he planned on actually betraying gamer alliance but idk

You were Sorc I couldn’t risk it.

He’d already done so nerd.


Ye but alliances don’t last forever.