Best/Worst Forum Mafia Quotes

I never get likes :((((((((((((

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I think this speaks for itself.

Itā€™s called
Part of her character
Ya no unnerstind?

^-Look at this anime grill here. Thatā€™s pretty much what she would have said.

I know itā€™s part of the character.
Itā€™s still a stupid quote though.

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Oh boi, I should quote it earlier its still soo good even after reading it couple of times.


This has to go here.

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All aside eevee. They wanted to replace out. The bloc goes to however ici had planned to invite

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it was going to be you, marl be damned actually
so you get half of the win I guess

I mean
You could have given wolfy my slot

ā€¦no offense Wolfy but Marl is slightly better than you in forum games

idk Marlā€™s reads can be pretty bad

ā€œgood cover for when heā€™s scumā€ sure lmao but still


Like you know I love you Marl but since it was brought up I have to

i think marlā€™s reads scale like mine in that theyā€™re better the less pressure there is on him

Nah I think itā€™s moreso that he canā€™t get reliable gutreads like at all but is much better at drawing connections in the endgame

This is also why scum killing him too early is bad

heā€™s like PKR in that regard; imo they both have very strong MyLo/LyLo games

You guys have any stupid quotes to add?

iā€™ve had good gutreads two town games in a row now :sob:

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