Probably Celeste.
Nah it wasnt me, I made no wishes. I only granted one l0l
Firekitten trying to become a Firechicken
Not Part of a Forum Game.
but I might change this thread to best Forum Quotes
End of Story: Celeste just sent a Persona soundtrack playlist
I found a better one
me 2
Its cuz our deductioning skills are
And its cuz my Logic Processors are always on overclock that if I say something, it will come true eventually
Except for you, literally nobody had lmao
And even you were unable to explain your night results
Ah, memories…
yeah, PKR was actually right tho
heh marl got rekt
i didn’t get rekt
It had never been said before that plunder people dont count towards majority
normally majority of 12 alive is 7
nah u got rekt
(They’ve stated people cant vote on plunder though. )
(There are 11 people + 1 on plunder to make 12 Survivors. Majority of 11 is 6. You could find that by counting the names & pings the co-host did. AKA Y’all cant count. )
Being unable to vote =/= not counting for majority
Otherwise Noble in FoL would win 1v1 vs NK