Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Is this a slip?

You have 3 scumreads when there are only 2 so :thinking:

You think you that you can be scum :thinking:

Iā€™m speaking in the third-person.

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I mean itā€™s okay to think that 3 people are all possible scum.

If he had 3 lock-scum it would be pretty dumb, but

if you think that the 2 scum are in that group of 3 itā€™s more than alright to put them in the scum-category

(It would ofc be overall better to have 5 or 7 categories of reads instead of 3, but 3 is a start)

What is difference between those 2 btw?

/vote Maxwell anyway

As much as I hate to do it, Maxwell did far less things then Jake and will be my vote for now.

If the game doesnā€™t end, we vote Jake and we should hopefully win.

I can get behind this

Itā€™s hammertime now

I mean there are 4 hours left so someone better do it quickly.

Actually 3 hours and a half are left.

why do we have to hammer quickly?

I dont think we particularly need to hammer quickly but we should hammer pretty soon if no other discussion is needed

We donā€™t but we donā€™t have that much time left in this day and no lynches are boring.

Now: we only need to make a plan for diferent scenarioes

If Maxwell is scum: GG

If maxwell is town: Look at who are the possible remaining candidates to be scum. get everyoneā€™s reads and then go from there

but its plurality

Iā€™d say the most likely person then is You/Eevee/Jake if Max is town.

I will admit that if maxwell is town I will look like a prime scum.

However, Iā€™m willing to risk that look to get who i think is the most likely scum killed.

Jakeā€™s reads give me a weird feeling. I feel something is maybe off, but for now I think we should focus on max

Wait it is?

This is what happens when you quickread the OP

I asked Kai Day 1 dw

In that case I dont mind just waiting it out.

Ok, newbie question here:

I read the wikithing but cant remember what majority/plurality is

is it that majority is the majority have to kill a player or no one is killed, and plurality is whoever has the most votes at the end of the day is killed?