Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Majority plus Plurality is day ends when majority is reached on a player, but if no majority is reached the person with the highest amount of votes is lynched

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Majority means a set number of votes to hammer someone is in place. So like the L#s is how many votes til day ends. While Plurality means no matter what at end of day the person with the highest votes is lynched even if hammer wasnt reached


Alright TY both of you

So like the kill on andrej was plurality but PKRā€™s lynch was majority?


@Htm mind telling me why you TR Magnus? They are in a weird null to me

Shall I swoop in and vote Maxwell?

Quick before I go sleep

That would hammertime it

not yet I would appreciate my answer from HTM first I can hammer if needed

Basically Geydeā€™s reasoning + Meta, I explained at the very start of the game.

Although now that I think about itā€¦ he could easily be Lymphā€™s scumbuddy as Lymph for some reason did not think I was scum with Magnus when they accused me using Marshalā€™s reasoning.

you guys have 30 seconds to vote:

  • Hammer Maxwell
  • Donā€™t Hammer Maxwell
  • Waz, go the fuck to sleep.

0 voters

ooh let me check this out

ur not supposed to make polls one, two I said its fine I got this in a tiny bit

oh shoot sorry

Relevant quote

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i really donā€™t want to hammer maxwell but at the sametime I donā€™t want to seem suspicious if they flip scum.

If they flip scum then itā€™s gameover anyway as we win.


oh yeah fuck iā€™m too tired for this shit

cool so I might as well wait.
