Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Magnus just cant be scum imo.

Why not? Iā€™m not scum, but why canā€™t i be?

It might be James, idk their slots are both scummy in general, I feel more confident in Wazza now

See what I meant by Magnus and htm team?

I think itā€™s wazza + james

Iā€™m alright with a vote on either

I literally just defended you.

Yeah thank you but that doesnā€™t mean I 100% think you are town

I alreasdy mentioned it earlier

Iso = townie
Meta = townie
Self meta = townie
Geydeā€™s reasoning = town

You can technically be scum but Iā€™m so convinced that you are town that itā€™s almost impossible.

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Whatever, this games a shitshow and scum have gained power over everyone.

Itā€™s too late, I canā€™t save this game anymore

Who has power here in your opinion

You see, theyā€™ve got so much power I physically canā€™t tell out of the four of you.

Distancing + WIFOM :eyes:

Thatā€™s rather Hedgy after ur last statement

Give me a minute to explain, jeez.

Vote Count
James-Marshal, Magnus [L-2]
HTM-Wazza [L-3]
Marshal-HTM [L-3]
WazzaAzza-DatBIrd [L-3]
Not voting- @James

1 Hour and 30 Minutes remain

Youā€™ve completely moved away from James now after I called it out and you feel more comfortable with me over James, which for you, makes sense.

Then on the next hand Magnus and htm are both still defending each other, which would be seen as scummy but hell, itā€™s far too late for that.

Up next we have James, who is just sitting thereā€¦ literally not existing.

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Iā€™d rather vote James tbh

Dat voted me.

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Why are you insisting on voting James so much over me?