Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Why wqz aooear and say nothing and go back

Also what the fuck is the wagon on me?


Yeah ltirealt wgat the fuxk sude

My progression is always weird as any faction, people always point it out.

You said to go for the LHF. Why?


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I think jake might have PTSD about being LHF in fol22 but that vote is still major bs

Andrej looks to be getting pressure off of them and on to me

Then coye atndej withe me

The “self described” lhf

Yeah that is a pretty weird thing to say…

/vote WazzaAzza

He doesnt play he just pop in and answer weidd questşons

Htm ok I will townread you if you vote with me

I suggest we pick off the “self described” low hanging fruits

There that better?

Even if I think Andrej is scum, that doesn’t change my vote on you until you explain why we should go for the LHF.

Hey dont mean to be that guy but at this point, its getting really hard to read what you are saying. Maybe give the game a little break and come back in a bit


What is the meaning of life?

Do you fill it via playing this game?

I don’t want to be a sheeper though

I feel lonely and I spend most of my time here and not socializng with real lfife peopel

Eevee Made a post calling themselves and andrej lhf(therefore self-described).

I think one of them isn’t LHF

Why? Give a damn reason.