Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

But more time is solid meme

I think Lymphoma should flip but thats just me

I’m fine with voting either Lymph or Andrej but I do believe that we need more time.

Well its nightless we get more time right after the lynch the only difference is we have something to go off of

Im okay with a Lymph or Andrej lynch because we need to lynch

But right now im the top vote holder and that isnt really good for me or town

I want to go Andrej in that case since they reasoned with their vote on top wagon that it was because everyone else thought so, a fuckin cop out excuse.

/vote Andrej

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yeet Andrej time

/Vote andrej

Finally getting somewhere

/vote Andrej

I’ve been saying andrej has been sheeping the vote on me the whole time

Most likely scum flip right now

@DatBird pls

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/vote Andrej stll think Lymph is better lynch but I aint gonna get the numbers today


Oh and kill every last one of them

Andrej has been lynched he was a French Sailor

Majority is still 6. Day ends in 60 hours, to get the day and start back at noon


curb music plays


/vote Magnus
His fake slip attempt was scummy kappa keppo

slow down there buckaroo

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Vote magnus zzzzzzzz