Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Yeah this really does sound like some hard work for a newbie or even any player…

Would any scum put that much effort like…?

If i’m honest, Im gonna take a break on the ISO

I’m confused,but will give my general thoughts here

  • If Magnus is scum, HTM or Geyde are VERY likely to also be scum
  • If andrej is scum, HTM is less likely to be scum
  • HTM’s claims of always changing their mind don’t really seem to be that substantial(see FOL21 and FOL22, where HTM is town, but doesn’t seem so defensive or protective)
  • a HTM-Lynch would be sub-optimal until we get more information(perhaps with an andrej lynch or lymph lynch)

I’m afriad that if i put too much effort in here, then my meta as town will be this much effort.

Which is sorta exhausting.

Look at my scum games

I have no defence as scum, literally, do an ISO of me in TvB or in any of my other scum games.

The reason I seemed less defenceful in those 2 games is because barely no one accused me.

Fair enough but how do we know that you aren’t lying to get towncred?

You don’t. That’s on you to read

if you think newbie scum would put this much effort vs. Newbie town, That’s your opinion.

If course as scum I would have a very easy time flying under the radar and just giving a few comments here and there. No-one would think anything of it.

Also I clearly am not trying to get towncred

My playstyle is not one that gets people to like you

Trust me if I were scum you would be seeing a whole new person.

/vote Lymph


Ill give Marshal a FoS for now, Lymph needs to explain the bad me+Andrej scumteam logic.


imma unvote, I have no fucking clue what is going on rn lmao

So its now

2 Marshal votes
2 Lymph votes
1 andrej vote
1 Wazza vote

Jusy FYI Im not gonna be here for the rest of night due to a DND session, if yall have any question I got like 5 minutes

This is p much the VC, day ends in 3 hours

/no lynch


Quick people CFD

/no lynch

Like can we not make people even more uninterested in the game? Like this game has gotten to a point of standstill with no flips

I know but we need the time

/no lynch

We had like over 100+ hours

We need more

Why not use as much time as possible?

Dat post count = town indicative
Marshal’s ridiculous amount of effort = town indicative
Htm is town
Magnus is town

If you really want to vote outside of that then fine