Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Is this you trying to distance from Lymph…?

What was their flip?


Absolutely not. I had no idea they were dead.


it is still unequivocally the truth that i’ve up to this point had no time to read basically anything.

Anyway I suggest going for Jake, if that doesn’t work then Marshal basically has to be confirmed scum imo

If it does work then we lynch Maxwell and if that doesn’t work we policy lynch Wazza.

If me + Jake + maxwell all die as town we lose.

thats it

That’s a long chain of failure that may guarantee town loses

you’re an idiot for thinking the game can already be definitively solved.

8 people left, 2 scum 6 town

Thinking this far ahead is just not the answer.

Lets go by “who is most likely scum” and then kill them.

If that doesn’t work, rinse and repeat

I think that is our best course of action

Impossible. PKR flipped English.

But English is the scum faction

Basically the plan is (Ill add other possibilities later)

Get Jake
If he is scum
We go for
If Max isn’t scum
Then Waz should be policy lynched.

did Magnus just slip?

I hate this plan becuase a shitton can go wrong.

Why dont we just start by lynching who we think is bad and then go from there?

I’m not saying a jake starting lynch is the worst idea, but i think saying anything after that is discounting the 48 hours or so that we have

I mean I do think we have a good start.

The game is nightless + We already have 3 basically confirmed town

Maybe I’m being overconfident but that’s what I feel like.

We will obviously discuss stuff

So the plan might change a bit, Im not suggesting to quickly lynch after lynch.

Just want to ask dat if this was searching for reactions from maxwell?