Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Goodnight, Hope this game is over by the time you wake up


wait wut

clicked the 3 dots to see who liked and mustā€™ve deleted it


angry host noises

Goodnight, hope the game is over by the time you wake up

Copy of message that my fat fingers deleted

Oh I can undo

Are we going to do something with our time?

(I want to eat Max lunch already)

Im looking at Magnus Lymph interactions I will have a lit of them shortly

Soā€¦ to pass the time.

Does anyone here watch survivor?

did you just say survivor

the survivor hosted by THE jeff probst

yes i did kai

yes i did

Never ISOs them

this is all the interactions

used to but havent recently, parents still do

Yeah it feelā€™s like no-one has watched survivor since 2001

Itā€™s sad because its a great show

you realize theres a huge community that basically run their own survivor games.

Does Magnus seem sus based on these interactions @Htm @Marshal

Yeah, but iā€™ve never been into ORGs

I did a few but never really got into them

Also even though I hate the idea

Geyde could have coached Magnus to keep pretending that he hasnā€™t read the OP so that he can then make up his townread Magnus reasoning

I have heard of it.

But never actually watched it.