Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory


Yeah, thats why its like the iffy fourth one. I dont know I thought he was fine day 1, but day 2 he did kinda just stop trying. He did come in to say Marshal is town and that your keyboard thing was weird but didnt really push them. Like realistically own core is HTM, Me, and you.
Cut down list in order of scumminess imo


If there was an out of game problem hampering your ability to talk, why did you take so long to address IT.
As was, the first time it was addressed was when you were under serious threat of being lynched.
I’m not doubting that your IRL situation happened, but I’m reading into how you handled it. Through claiming that after being under pressure and never before, it feels like something didn’t go according to plan on your end. Additionally, that claim could ‘justify’ your posts earlier on in the day, essentially giving a free pass for just memeing.
I can’t help but feel this was a plan, and I don’t see the reason Town does something like this.

I haven’t developed a lot on this thought, but it needs resolving.

I can’t give a VC currently, i won’t be able to access the forums for a while so I’ll give a 12 hour extension, ending the day around Midnight CST



Shouldn’t you rather think the opposite then?

Like scum would just throw excuse on first votes, instead of trying without it as long as possible?
Yes, that didn’t go as it should, I didn’t want to out it at all, mostly since it’s out of game and not really AI, but would have A LOT of angleshooting going if I outed it. Which happens as you see.

What made me change my mind?
I don’t remember who said it, but they said that whatever action I wouldn’t be, I’m gamethrowing via not defending, even tho I tried my best to defend with images.

However weird my ideas aren’t, I never aim to gamethrow.

Bump the thread

How is stating meta make me scum with him?

Honestly considering both Lymph and Marshal have very similar reads on me and the scumteam… I’m kinda leaning on a Lymph + Marshal scumteam trying to get 3 mislynches

Maybe this is just me overthinking things but it seems so strange.

Hi, what?

I honestly have never made a Town core tbh and just put my top townreads + me in there

How does it feel distancy


What are your reads btw?

lol, me? reading something?

Out of the question

I don’t think you are scum with andrej. Especially since you’ve made comments(and votes) that suggest a policy lynch. I still feel we Lynch andrej but not because of you.

Currently I think that it’s 3 votes me, 2 votes lymph, and 1 vote andrej

Hi its a list of people from scummiest to least scummy. You havent been around much at all so ur higher on the list.

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Looks like i may or may not have missed a vote on wazza

My(I think)VC is:

Marshal [Andrej, Magnus, HTM][X3]
Lymph[Dat, Wazza]

I’d hate to vote with Andrej tbh… as he is my 2nd most scumread

Perhaps you really are Town :thinking:

Btw where is the ISO?

in progress. I’ve decided to look at past games too to get a more in-depth analysis of your game

I’ve also copypasted everyhting you’ve said this game into a google doc and so that has taken a while