Black Flag Nightless-The Clock Struck Midnight-English Victory

Fuck you dude wtf

Sorry that wa smean

Like whatdoya mean?

I deal with facts and logic here.

They still haven’t said why btw.

so factually why did people do things not what they did

I really can’t deal with this shit right now. I’m pissed off enough as it is but you providing an EXTERMELY INVALID reason to scumread me.

Unlike you, Marshal actually posted a pretty okay reason, and I was perfectly fine with that.

But your reason just seems like a terrible way to force the Town onto someone else, or perhaps create a fake distance. As what I’m thinking right now is that you are scum and once you are lynched, people will believe that this was distancing away from me. And you know what? I’m not going to fucking stand for that.

Alright im on it

Wazza he is drunk just ignore them if they are getting on your nerves. Just cool down take a little time off and come back and catch up when you can.

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You dınt worry about this kido I will never ge tkyncned befor eyou

Based on recent events not on shit I’ve read up on.

I want to know why you decided to ask for the intention behind actions from people who aren’t them

Okay, so you say that me posting images was bad.

But does it help scum? Does it help town?

Neither, really.
Same for all other reads you made.

How many times you saw someone doing stupid stuff and get lynched to turn town?
A lot?

That’s cause all new players base on “XYZ is evil” “ABC is good” meta.
That’s not truth, no play per say is scummy or townie. The reasoning behind this play is.

There can be scummy plays which were done with townie goals in mind.

That’s why your readlist is on the nose bad. It operates on facts, not on why this facts existed.

/vote Lymphoma

I just can’t with this person anymore.

I’m leaving for now, I was planning on reading and everything but my motivation has dropped to 0.


@Wazza they are drunk, don’t discuss with drunk people.

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Sorey şf i was mean im a bşt drunk not this is not a reason to be mean but thats not fully me

I was literally about to flip out on you in a fucking message.

I am leaving. I’m trying to deal with my very mentally ill friend and you’re not fucking helping. Goodbye.

I was just helping him do what Eevee asked. But realisitically it is to understand why the player would do something not what they did. Cause scum do different things than town.

Oh well do not do what i do kids bye

We can’t know people’s intentions in this game until we know what the fuck they are and that’s a fact.
Is there any intention behind this fact? No. There isn’t.