Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

well im alive now arent i
therefore i was correct

Probably cause he’s afk half the time so killing him is kinda dumb

game solved, we’re done here lol


Why the sudden change?

I’m asking why you thought it.
Not whether you were right or not.

Don’t dodge my question.

Oh no you were the witch that was a rt for pkr

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Wait, bitch, you RTd me?
How many fucking RTs have I went through this fucking game?

too many, my apologies for contributing to that

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since the PoE was already down to me/gorta, STs knew that if I were to be killed, gorta would be executed
so they kileld outside the PoE

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RT go brrr

do I have to find said posts for you?

I kept telling Windward you were town but she built this really good case on you and I didn’t wanna just shut it down like ‘na pkr town’

So we were baiting you for reactions

my favorite RT is the one where I trueclaimed Demon to the Virgin and gave them my correct bluffs :^)

and the best part is that it wasn’t an RT


PKR’s reaction tests counter:
3/4 from Intensify
1 (or more) from Marl
1 (or more) from Wind

Yall are insane.

@PokemonKidRyan nom can

ok so we have a problem

all in the span of a short-lived misc game
it’s a record

Gorta is too dense to be scum I think

they said i cant reword it and then i received a yes

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