Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

Your evaluation being correct doesn’t make you look any better admittedly. In fact, it makes you look even worse.

I choose to ignore this possibility, as there is no evidence that suggests that it is true. Where as there is indeed evidence that leads to gorta being the demon.

Earlier in the game, you argued that the Lunatic’s “minion” is likely to actually be a minion. Seeing as you turned out to be the Lunatic and stated that gorta was your “minion,” that should be sufficient evidence to prove that gorta is the demon, or the minion holding the demon.

Hmmm, that does make sense I guess.

I’ll have to ISO Gorta just in case tomorrow once I get up and am a lot more rested. Yawns Because the way I see it, while you’re extremely likely to be the demon here, the possibility exists that you’re right about Gorta being the one holding Lil monsta.

For now, I’m going to try to get some sleep. Good night everyone.

good night

Can, the other problem is that Amelia’s death caused one town member to be drunk for the rest of the game, meaning someone’s information is unreliable, and we don’t know whose.


Unreliable doesn’t always mean false does it?

it doesn’t; that’s why I said unreliable.
I’m pretty sure poisoned/drunk causes potentially misleading (and therefore unreliable) results but it’s not guaranteed to be wrong (so it isn’t like the Vortox effect where you’re guaranteed to have the opposite answer to all your checks)

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so tell us, @PokemonKidRyan, what question did you ask about your ability and what answer did you get?

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Correct that a drunk person gets misleading results, at the discretion of the Storyteller

votes are now open

noms are closed

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/execute PKR


Well no cause

  1. We don’t know if Amelia made you drunk, Gorta drunk or PKR drunk.

  2. Being drunk doesn’t always mean your ability stops, ST can choose and make it work even if you’re drunk still.

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I want a paragraph from each of you
answer all three of the following questions

Why should people think you are town?
Who do you think is the last scum among the three of you and why?
Who do you think is the second (likely already dead) scum?

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as easy as it would be to abandon this game and stop trying because i have no vote, that just aint my style


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oh right I have to actually play the game :kappa:

I can’t believe i died in the first nom phase and i’m still a top poster

all three living have less posts

bruh moment

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Wait but Leafia is top poster