Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

Intensify is like

One of few people whose actually played more than a few botc matches

I have confidence he knew it was impossible…

how many bad guys are there anyway in 9 players?

I’m not the only one that is in the game Gorta and it’s a very risky play to make. Look, if Intensify and PKR are both scum, I’ll take full responsibility for our loss here.

2 evils, not counting other effects

It’s 8 players.
Traveller doesn’t count.

Also, 2.

Then why didn’t he ever point out that it was impossible?

I’d argue by constantly insisting PKR was scum he’d be implying that

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I have this feeling that I need to resort to making Gorta think I’m scum partners with PKR in order to make him lockvote PKR sigh

He wasn’t implying anything by constantly pushing PKR because he was just making himself look scummy. If he was villager and knew it was impossible, he would’ve stated it a long time ago to help his case.


Why are you doing this…

I knew it was impossible… but what the hell is the point of stating it.

If someone had just asked me or Amelia would’ve just went “no cause blah blah in real life” etc.

Intensify also.TMIed Godfather possibly being in the game. Why’d he say that PKR or Can was Godfather?

Why didn’t you ever point out that it was impossible to help your case?

Oh gee idk


Maybe it’s because I got 3 names night 1 and PKR and Can were on that list…

And i got a warm when I asked the ST about my ability finding evils.

But leafia

If you think it’s Intensify/PKR then it’s… not a Godfather game?

I don’t buy that for a second.

I never said that I thought it was Intensify/PKR. I’m saying the complete opposite.

How does that help my case?

If someone thougth of that, they could’ve just asked…

Also this isn’t like your first thought when a thunderdome happens.

It’s not “oh man maybe PKR is Drunk and he thinks he is Amnesiac”

My first thoughts would be

“Mutant perhaps?”
“This is scum then”
“Maybe he’s trying to bait kills?”

Do you think I just made this info up on the spot?

I’m not sure if you made it up on the spot or if you thought about it first. Then there’s the question of who PKR’s scumbuddy is if he’s scum.

Well I’ll just settle it here.

Amelia can personally confirm I gave that Amne info to him in our whispers day 1