Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

And this makes me scum, how?

What has led you to conclude that PKR is evil, rather than Intensify?

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I’m aware of that. That’s why I’m saying a PKR/Gorta world is likely and in that case, due to Can’s ability, we know Gorta is holding Lil monsta between the two of them.

Why is it not PKR/Leafia team:
The main reason is:

Yesterday leading up to today would be one of the most possible crucial times for W!Me and W!Leafia. Thanks to me nominating Intensify and Can and Wind both voting to execute (IIRC Wind voted. I could be wrong.) we’d have a secured vote even if Intensify were to unvote. In order to secure a victory, every vote (including ghost votes) count. Leafia voted Intensify which would’ve been a waste of a vote for us in a final 3 situation and the reason why town told Leafia to vote Intensify was “So that Intensify couldn’t escape execution” but since I was neighbours with Leaf, I could’ve pointed out how this is not the case and Leafia could’ve gotten away without voting. Leaving us in a stronger final 3 position.

Possible teams:
Me/Leaf (Understandable but I’ve explained a contradiction in it. And I think a vital one. Also I’d have likely killed Leafia by now and made them stop buddying to me. And I was the one who nommed them D1 unless you’re thinking I just bussed them. Which would be weird, considering I didn’t actually vote them… so that’s not the case)
Me/Gorta (???)
Me/Can (???)
Gorta/Intensify (I think this is the likeliest with Intensify now seeming to try and coach Gorta a bit more. And I’ve explained before why I think it’s the case too via claims and actions led by them both)
Can/Intensify (I feel like scum Can literally just votes me for free win)

So yesPKR is a minion but I highly doubt he’s the one holding Lil monsta. Gorta set this up for you to execute PKR today by refusing to execute Intensify so that he could claim that he was TWTBAW today. It makes perfect sense. It’s literally the only thing that does here.

intensify is town
you were a minion
and pkr is a demon

Lil monsta is literally confirmed to be the demon Marl.

But that’s… literally inconsistent with facts of the game.
I don’t know why this has come along all of a sudden Marl.
What happened?

Are you on drugs right now?

I don’t know what else I can do.
I’ve defended myself.
I’ve explained contradictions.
I’ve looked at all possible worlds (including one where me and Intensify are town somehow)

But literally nothing is working and all of a sudden everything’s turning on me and I don’t understand why.
I’m really fucking trying here.

Please give me something to work with.

I’m just going to give up on town winning this at this point. I’ve been fighting for far too long and I’m far too stressed out to fight any more. Congratulations Gorta and whoever between Intensify and PKR is your scumbuddy. You’ve won this.

Everyone vote PKR at this point. I just want the game to be over so they can realize that I was right.

Leafia, I’m beyond annoyed with you rn.
All I’m going to say is you literally are a spitting image of Seth.

Take that how you will.
Stop acting how you do. It’s not right, no matter how you spin your tale.

I’m past the point of no return.
I lost my WiM but I care too much, I just can’t stop and I hate it.
I want to stop, I want to relax but I can’t

I’m past the point of caring at this point.

Ok then, whatever.
I’m going for a while.

I wish you’d accepted me whispering with you Can.
Then I wouldn’t have had to deal with all this.

But I hope in the end everything works out.
We’ll see if it does or not.

Congrats on your won Intensify and Gorta. You have everyone believing that executing PKR will win town the game, just like you wanted. I don’t blame them though. You put on a very good show and you’ve earned my respect for that.

*your win

Excuse me, you don’t even get to act for a second like you didn’t consider me/Gorta as a team.
After all you literally said not much above this about that being possible and Gorta won.

You’re not blameless, you’re not infallible.
I’m not letting you keep on being Seth and having a high and mighty thing.

Please take a break for a while and I’ll do the same.
Because you being here is making me stay here and trust me, I’m not holding back when your behaviour is like this.

I hate your kindly aunt buddying a lot.
But I’d rather that then this.

Leafia, whispering me that I have to vote Gorta is doing absolutely nothing to convince me.


I’ll ISO Gorta and draw my own conclusions. I already ISO’d PKR.