Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

You know how I am with tunneling and stuff.

Leafia, I have to say that I doubt you’d hard-defend someone you don’t know the alignment of this much.
You’ve been so focused on throwing suspicion on Gorta and clearing PKR for three days that it’s extremely dodgy.

I could see you just tunnelling Gorta into the dirt as town, but I can’t see any reason why you’d insist on clearing PKR.

I just trusted him so much. What’s so hard to believe about that? I was blinded to the possibility that he could be scum.

because there’s actually no reason you should trust him that much unless he literally told you to
and he’s asked you in the thread to stop buddying up to him, so I doubt that.

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Mostly due to how scummy Intensify, Gorta, and Can were all being in my eyes.

if PKR had asked you to trust him, you wouldn’t still be buddying up to him in the thread here, and you also wouldn’t be defending him so hard in our whispers, either.

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you ignored the very possibility of Intensify/PKR having some crazy wolf theater and parroted each others arguments several times


Of course I did. I was blinded by my own certainty that I was correct.

going with my gut, sorry if I’m wrong.

/execute PKR
/pardon everyone else
@EliThePsycho @GGhana

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I think
we win this windy

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like a rising tide

if it’s Can, he’s had beginner’s luck on this one. But there’s no way it’s Gorta.

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You are wrong but I just give up at this point.

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that’s fair

It is Can. Everything points towards it.

but I thought it couldn’t be can?

it had to be me

look at how Leafia has suddenly jumped off Gorta and onto Can now that I voted PKR.

I literally just want the game over either way.
I want to fight, but I’ve been given no way to.

I know how Leafia is.
I’ve complained about them for a lot of the game.
So I’m not actually surprised that I’m being screwed here.

I guess I can say I don’t care.
Just to try and make myself feel better.

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