Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)


This is Gorta and Can we are talking about :eyes:

Do you really believe in them that much

no, but I do think one of them needs to nominate PKR
because there’s still a nonzero chance you’re right

and PKR can’t nominate himself

Well actually you can self-nom I’m pretty sure

he won’t self nom

he CAN self nom

Fair point.

so intensify

what do you think about gorta’s behavior EoD

uh yeah, what Amelia said lol


Defense is ok but nothing notable.

that’s it?

that behavior felt super ??? to me

hey Amelia
wanna whisper?


/whisper Windward


What you want me to try harder?

I’ve already lost all my WiM what’s the point.

Let’s just get this over with

Yay! Now we’re ghosts together! :slight_smile: Does happy ghost Leafeon dance I just know that you’ll love being a ghost Wind.

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Sounds good to me. After all, we’ll simply lose if we don’t nominate the demon today.

I haven’t, since I just woke up
Unless you mean last night?

Also, can I just say that myself and Intensify’s characters may have been sisters :frowning:
So I actually felt sad in the end lol

My only concern about this plan is if Can is inactive.
I’d rather nom Gorta just for safety sake.

Since I think it’s likelier Gorta is Intensify’s partner than Can.
Due to EoD yesterday.

So if you don’t mind could we change it so…
I nom Gorta
Gorta noms Can
Can noms me


Let’s say I’m willing to believe that you’re town. You say the scumteam is Leafia and PKR, right?

I might be willing to vote out PKR for reasons other than just the thunderdome.

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