Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)


Goblin with Lil’ Monsta exed is a Good win afaik

No I mean.

The goblin is executed first before they die idk

Oh nvm.

(this interaction is still kinda janky and probably should be stated in a jinx)

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oh, ok then

I even asked the host about it although the situation I asked about is what if a saint that is holding Lil monsta is executed? His reply was that town would win.

Oh yeah right Saint go brr

if a Saint held Lil Monsta they’d just… announce it tbh


When the new scripts come out I’m gonna create the best script ever’ World’s greatest bad moon brewing in the tomb of the damned un faire and violets day


Sounds fun.

@Intensify were you actually amnesiac


And I’m forcing randing a town jester in this script everytime

Yes I’m still Amnesiac

I believe you let’s join hands and yeet pkr

If I was Mutant or some crap I would’ve declared I was a Mutant by now and get executed

this is not an rt

: |

Cool but I gave up a long time ago.

yeah we’re gonna yeet PKR today
because you’re right, Intensify