Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

anyways if this happens in future feel free to nom/vote. The phase began I just haven’t announced it

is final 3

you do realize the voting phase hasn’t begun right

also if you’re here why didn’t you open it

you’re literally the co host, you can do this stuff

because i thought it opened 2021-03-09T13:40:00Z

good evening my fellow townies
how was everyone’s day?

/nominate gorta

@GGhana @EliThePsycho

Canteloupe nominates Gorta!

Canteloupe, your accusation?

I win if gorta dies. As such, I must conclude that they are the demon.
We must execute them today.

Can's ISO

He says a variation of this every single time he gets on to the point that it gets anoying and it just comes across asw being super LAMIST to me.

This seems a bit fishy to me, like he’s trying to lump Intensify and me as the scumteam, which is a strange move to make if he’s a villager.

This seems like a distancing attemt to ask ,me. how was he so sure that PKR wasn’t scum?

Why was he so quick to assume my Saint claim was genuine here? I feel if he was a villager, he wouldn’t be so quick to do so. He would’ve at least considered the possibility of me being the demon, yet here he wasn’t doing that. He was against my execution.

Every time he gets on, he asks other people to summarize what has gone on, not once considering the possibility that scum could reply and tell him info that would suit their agenda. This is not a very villagery thing to do and hints strongly that he already knows who the scumteam is.

Here, he unvotes after I joked about an impossible team. This is ultra scummy and just feels like he planned on pushing that narrative as the correct one.

Here, he asks how an obviously impossible setup could be impossible. I don’t think anything needs to be said about this.

I do think he panicked here but I don’t think it always comes from a panicked townie as he could also be a panicked scum as well. I’ve made similar mistakes when I was panicked scum and why not claim back when everyone was asking him to claim if he was a villager? He had no reason not to do so.

Not sure what to think about this, but I figured I’d include it as well. It could be an attempt to make himself look like a panicked villager. That’s my take on it.

The thing that makes me believe that the most is how hard he pushed on his info being correct.

Intensify's ISO

Here he asks PKR specifically. Why not ask Can too if PKR was his scummate?

I think he genuinely forgot he was PKR’s neighbor here. That’s the only only way this makes any sense whatsoever.


And this made me giggle a bit admittedly.

Here, he claims that eirther Can or PKR was the lunatic yet he begins pushing PKR hard almost the entire game. He wanted PKR’s head on a pike. That’s literally the only explanation. You don’t push a scummate that hard when they’re holding the Lil monsta asw it’s far too risky. He literally tried everything he could think of to get PKR executed. Now, why didn’t he even consider the possibility that Can could’ve been the evil one? I’ll tell you why. Because Can was holding Lil monsta and he didn’t want to risk the possibility that Can could get executed.

Again here he goes after PKR over Can who hasn’t even claimed. Not sure why he’d do that in an Intensify/PKR world as it just makes PKR’s execution even more likely.

This seems like he’s setting up[ for a PKR lynxch to be honest by making people think that the team is Leafia/PKR. I’d believe otherwise if it wasn’t for the fact that he pushed it so hard.

This doesn’t seem like the words of someone that’s scumbuddies with PKR honestly.

Read this and tell me we have an Intensify/PKR team. I just don’t see it being possible here.

He’s still pushing super hard for a Leafia/PKR world. If PKR was his scummate, this is super dangerous. He knows what an LHF I can be at times amnd the chances of town coming to believe him are too risky to make it a good idea in a Leafia/PKR world.

He again pushes PKR super hard here. He was obviously out for PKR’s blood and wanted him to be the execution.

This never something you say about a scummate.

Yet another instance here.

This kind of anger juast can’t be faked. He genuinely wanted everyone to believe that the scumteam was me and PKR. No doubt about it exists in my mind.

Here he distances himself from Can since he obviously wants Can to live.

More anger at everyone thinking PKR isn’t scum. Why not just accept it in an Intensify/PKR world. If he was scummates with PKR, he’d have absolutely no reason to push PKR this much.

Here’s the start of what I believe is his attempt to make people believe that it’s an Intensify/PKR world.

In an Intensify/PKR world, why not try to convince PKR to defend himself in their whisper? It would be obvious to everyone that he’s trying to coach PKR otherwise and he wouldn’t want that in an Intensify/PKR world.

I think that sums up my views on the state of things very nicely. I’m 90% sure the scumteam is Intensify/Can and 10% sure it’s Intensify Gorta

Can, you were supposed to nominate PKR while PKR nominates Gorta and Gorta nominates you. Why deviate from that plan?


@WindwardAway @Marluxion

You might want to come see this.

@PokemonKidRyan now you nominate cant

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don’t make me stay up so I can nominate you

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/Nominate cantaloupe

Accusation: Final 3 go brrrr

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@EliThePsycho @GGhana

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You can just submit to nominate me too, speed it up

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/nominate PKR
Accusation: finishing the loop
@EliThePsycho @GGhana

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Defence: I cannot remember what I was going to say… but, yeah.

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