Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

I feel like all we’ve done is backpedal today lol

seems like typical clocktower gameplay

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Most likely Can to be honest, as I don’t think Can would be pushing Gorta this hard if Gorta was holding it.

yeah, that’s also what I’m thinking

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I don’t think it’s very likely Gorta/Can are a team but they still could be :sweat_smile:

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I want to rule out that team because Drunk thinking they’re an in-play character is illegal in live clocktower

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oof, ok

that makes things a bit easier then

It is? But would GGhana do it though? That’s the question. After all, this isn’t live clocktower.

And that also backs up why I think Gorta is evil.
Because then claiming Recluse means they “might register” as what they are. So would have a defense.

They also claimed Recluse after I claimed Amnesiac.
Then a while after Gorta claimed Intensify slipped into their Amne claim (claiming they did it to thunderdome me)

Gorta did their move to avoid detection.
And Intensify followed it up to add suspicion onto me so that Gorta could relax.

That’s my tinfoil.

I have enough faith in GGhana that he wouldn’t go against basic clocktower rules in a non-Atheist game

the thing is that all of it makes sense except that they did it entirely without whispering each other.

i hard claim athiest

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Hmmm, I think I’ll trust you about that. In that case, it’s probably Intensify/Gorta. Due to Intensify potentially TMIing Godfather is in play here and if it is in play, Gorta is Intensify’s only possible scumbuddy.

If they were able to coordinate like that without whispering to each other, they have my respect.

That is true.
But when you see people claiming in thread, it’s not hard to figure out what to say.

If Gorta was demon (or holding the demon) they would claim Recluse just to be safe.
Intensify just picked up on it.

Bare in mind they revealed it after nominations had already finished to try and get me voted.
(And after people already seemed set on a Leafia execution)

So it feels like they were setting up a double mis-execution (which is all they needed to win in a 6v2)
1 yeet, 1 kill, 1 yeet, 1 kill = 2v2. Even if we correctly used ghost votes it’d be quite hard for them to lose. Possible, but much harder.

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but at the same time, gorta said that he should be executed D1

annoyingly he never really campaigned for it on either day


if Gorta is a minion, he wasn’t the one holding the Lil Monsta on D1 for sure. But then that would mean he’s probably been holding it every day since then.


he also tried to do “lol policy exe Recluse” which is lame as either side tbh tbh


Intensify could’ve been holding Lil monsta D1 and Gorta never mentioned the desire to be the execution other than that. If he thought he should be the execution D1, why didn’t he nominate himself? PKR had to do it for him.