Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

mod note

let’s calm down before we get personal

ty ty

It’s possible that it’s a coincidence but there’s also the fact that Marl was hexed N1 and died to it D1. Marl said himself that either you or Wind were the main suspects in being witch.

I think we’re chilling okish?

No one’s really getting personal

I don’t see town winning this because they are so far up the gorta tunnel that it’s not even funny

this is a precaution, not a call out

I literally asked if it’s not you, to case Can…
It’s just Can’s

Can’s reaction to the ability felt genuine.

Intensify is just defending you too hard and trying to urge you to pick PKR and you’re a bit too insistant on it being w/w theatre for my liking.

Didn’t we literally settle this?

Marl’s reasoning was flimsy as hell

It wasn’t that flimsy.

Oh nonono it was.

Especially when you take everything else into account.

Go over Marl’s reasoning then and explain why it wasn’t flimsy please

Leafia, Intensify.
Take a break.

Stop going at each other here.
All’s cool.

We need to sort things out rn.
Myself, Gorta and Can need to have a proper discussion.

How was it flimsy? Are you claiming you wouldn’t hex Marl as witch?

We’re not screaming at each other this is very calm debating no worries

oh wowee, guess what, PKR did this in the last BOTF as well

Leafia give the reasoning that Marl did

And also planned this out with his scummates all across the game

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Yeah, I think you’re right about that.