Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

The world is either Intensify/Gorta or Intensify/Can.

I think someone should vote for him just in case.

if Gorta and PKR crossvote, and neither one is the demon, we just lose lol
Intensify voted PKR
Amelia and I have yet to vote, and I’m assuming Gorta wants to vote PKR too

and Can voted Gorta already*
so that’s one vote on PKR and two votes on Gorta

@an_gorta_pratai If you’re town vote Can. An Intensify/PKR world is literally impossible here because in that world, Intensify would’ve just voted you and won the game for the evils.

There. If Gorta refuses to vote Can here, we know that he’s 100% /Intensify’s scumbuddy.

@Intensify curious to know, why don’t you think Can is the demon?
I know you think PKR is the demon, but I want reasons for not suspecting Can, not reasons for suspecting PKR.


It’s time to reveal my grand scheme

I’ve known who one of the evils was since SOD

I am not the empath
I’m actually the artist

on day 1 i asked if both of my neighbors were good and got a ‘yes’

Can is lying about their claim

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I was waiting to try to get as much spew as humanly possible from can in case two evils were still alive

but i’m left with exactly the can/intensify scumteam

well shit
that confirms what I was suspecting


@cantaloupe if you were town fpsing it’s time you walk back your claim, otherwise i thunderdome you


Indeed it does.

and good luck winning a thunderdome against a ghost who died to hex d1


@Amelia change your ghost exe onto can

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Well, glad I didn’t vote yet

Me too.