Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

I’m also.rarely wrong about PKR’s alignment as well so please trust me here. You won’t regret it.

I already said Leafia’s D1 behavior was identical to her behavior in SFoL 65
I still stand by that and I honestly don’t think there’s anything clearing her at all.
It’s a Witch/Godfather game and there’s no Lunatic.

Also, I see Leafia finally admits she whispered PKR at some point. Which is to be expected, as they’re neighbors, but she never said earlier that he sounded like town in their whispers. She only told me to look at the thread and tell me if he’d ever act like this as scum.

if we have two scum both claiming they’re rarely wrong about each other’s alignments, the argument is moot lol

Because me doing it spontaneously without discussing it with PKR isn’t my style.

that’s like saying that doing RTs as town has suddenly become your style
and yet the first time you did, you were scum

no i meant how do we know you didn’t whisper pkr


Of course I was whispering to PKR the entire game. Why wouldn’t I be?

why is this the first time you’ve mentioned it

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1 hour before eod in lylo

boom bye scum

Of course I whispered to PKR throughout the game. Why wouldn’t I?

so what all did you discuss

you’ve never mentioned that PKR’s whispers with you were towny up until this point
you just kept insisting PKR was town without giving a real reason for it

It isn’t even close to the first time I mentioned whispering to PKR.

give me a tl;dr timelapse of what you discussed and when throughout the game

the mad lad is actually doing it


Around the beginning I started trying to pocket him and I’m honestly not sure how it went. I think he started suspecting that I was the minion at the halfway point of D1 and I think I definitely slipped up near the end. I.think that was why he was so sure I was just a minion and not the demon. D2 I whispered him to get a feel for his alignment and he sounded pretty townie and my gut said he was town and then Marl said that PKR was 100% town due to a toentell he had noticed which agreed with my assessment of PKR, so I decided to trust him on that too.

this is so unbelievably vague that it made me burst out laughing