Blood on the Forums: Clown Fiesta (2/9 Students Remain) END-GAME (SOCIETY WINS)

but you’re not trying to convince me you’re town
you’re trying to convince me PKR is town
whereas, if you were town, you wouldn’t be 100% certain of that.

I would be 100% convinced of that in a world where I’m 100% convinced that Intensify is scum.

Which is the world that we live in now.

yeah but I’m town and I’m not 100% convinced that Intensify is scum
so from my PoV it still means PKR is not guaranteed to be town.

maybe you live in that world, but I don’t

He’s not guaranteed to be scum either. It could be that I’m right.

as I said before, if my bullheadedness loses us the game, so be it
but you haven’t given me any reason to believe that you’re town and that you instinctually know PKR is town

I’ve flipflopped my reads plenty in this game but I will absolutely not vote Gorta.

I literally have because I’ve been convinced Intensify was scum for quite a while now and I had trouble seeing a world where PKR could be his scumbuddy due to that. We have one minute. Please change your vote now!

stop talking.

Hell’s Librarian is now in play.

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Gg boys I was scum with amelia

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PKR has 3 votes, that is more than Gorta’s 2 votes.

PKR was voted by Windward, Gorta and Intensify

Gorta was voted by Cantaloupe and PKR

If you have any objections raise them now in your class cards.

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before we go any further, how do you want to die? We have a default execution ready for you.

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well if you arent here, let’s have some fun then!

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Anastasia Saxe-Coburg-Champagne, Ultimate Bastard, Age 21. I find you GUILTY of treason, treason and conspiracy to commit treason! I sentence you to DEATH!

Ultimate Oppression, Ultimate Victory

Suddenly the room around you starts rumbling, suddenly a huge crack opens in front of Anastasia, and an imp carrying a huge bardiche flies from the crack. “Your father’s waiting for you, I bet he’s gonna be so happy about seeing what the troublesome one’s gotten up to now huehuehuehue!” Anastasia simply smirks, and says “Well it was fun while it lasted friends, (oh who am i kidding it’s really enemies) potential lovers. And of course, my lovely half-sister. I’ll say hello for you while I’m down there. Of course it wasn’t really a surprise he ended up there anyways.”

Anne starts silently weeping as Anastasia jumps into the crack, along with Miguel Lorenzez. As she sees her sister and friend for one last time.

There is a team that has won.

and that team is called…


another name for society…

is the good team, because you have killed the Godfather carrying the Lil’ Monsta.

you may now speak. The game is over

We hope you enjoyed your time at Ravenswood Bluff.