I did my vote
and now I sleep
good jorb
Have you gone crazy? Please tell me that you’re joking. Why even get my hopes up that we could have a good victory only to pull this?
/whisper Leafia
Sheep you and Los WWF.
that was an eventful whisper
which i have just ended by speaking in thread :^)
I should write a song
it’s gonna be called, “I’m Neighbors with a Demon”
You’re not neighbors with a demon and it is nowhere near impossible that I’m the saint.
Perform it too
The fact that you phrase it “it’s not impossible that I’m saint” and not “I’m saint” is a perspective slip
No it isn’t because I’m saint and you think it’s impossible for me to be saint.
what happened to that theory that Marshal was evil, hmm?
it is actually impossible for you to be saint
One hour left till EoD!