Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Which is weird and strange.

It’s successful and all, but the main thing is eevee’s about the only role that can protect iirc

Did he talk to you?

No, never

but you don’t need to request to whisper a neighbor

@Marshal I got things to talk about in whisper kappa

Its just baffling me how apparently the Demon is in touch with Spy, but the Poisoner and -apparently- the spy didn’t think to pick a role from the unused list that Demon gets.

Are they REALLY even in contact?

Like i said, there’s no way Waz could have fucked up his claim that badly if I was in communication with a spy that knew Shurian was the saint.

Could you help check the whispers?
Are they in contact is a crucial thing that will crack this game open

Starting to over think my idea of hanging Maxwell. Eevee should provide us with a narrative in case the scum team hasn’t been in contact; I think this might be the case.

Unless they have been in contact right under our noses


But we cant not have any protectives this game, I refuse to believe we don’t


And Possessed just physically cant be malfunctioning

What was Wazza? Poisoner?


Poisoner. I wouldn’t listen to anything he says at this point; regardless of his class he’s admitted scum.


My thoughts on Magnus: So he double claimed Soldier, which Isaac has claimed. Spy knows all classes, so if he’s spy…he’d know Isaac was Soldier and hed counter him.

Demon gets 3 unused claims. Soldier would not be one of them; does he REALLY go off the script and fake a used claim?

Everything points to Magnus either: 1) Being a dumb Spy/Demon; 2) Him being Soldier/ 3rd Minion.

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I’m actually inclined to believe 2 more than 1, which then points to Isaac. Let me see his neighbors and whispers.

@Simon What was your starting info again? Just wanna make sure from actual source.

At least Wazza aint faking town, it’ll be hella lot more hard for us as town to separate real from fake deaths. And this credifies Possessed’s results to the pt that I am pretty sure they’re correct and she/he’s not malfunctioning.

Isaac and Magnus

Magnus definitely claimed first, and then Isaac claims afterwards.
They’re somehow both soldier?

One of them is just pitch black lying about their role to kill one another. Magnus, is unlikely to do so and I honestly just see Isaac as claiming soldier as I claimed it out for it to be bad.

I’m more than happy to resolve this here and now so I don’t get any headaches >_>

I too think Isaac has malicious intent