Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Just going to say that if eevee dies tonight, you’re probably next.

Nerbins wasn’t going to get protected…you likely were or I likely was. That’s a free kill.

No its likely me first since I’m not gonna get protected and ill have gamesolving info.

Monk can stop deaths. They can’t target you.

Odds of Eevee protecting me: 13%

Odds of me dying: 78%

You dying would help in solving the game, lmao.

who normal kills osmeone who is suspected anyway?

At this point in the game, very few classes can confirm.

Guess what? Whether you believe me or not, I’m one of them.

You let me die, we don’t find out what Magnus is. And we NEED to know to gamesolve.
gamer time

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You guys truly are stupid.

…Then again I outed as scum so eh, we’re all one in the same.

Then what was I, Mr. Eevee.

If there was no Poisoner, then how was Kyo’s slayer shot messed up on me?

…Because you aren’t the Imp?

Don’t humor him.

Then what am I?

If I’m not Poisoner or Imp.

What am I?

The baron, who bussed himself to waste time

Well he can’t logically be Spy, just as Magnus can’t be either since they both double-claimed. Only one person knows for a fact what Wazza is. (Besides the hosts)

Eevee wants to push this narrative that Magnus is the spy who has all the claims but didn’t realize there was ANOTHER soldier in the game. Magnus likely has no knowledge of the roles in this game until they were outted.