Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/Pardon All
I don’t know who to vote.

I think that in the situation where Kyo is really Empath and was poisoned, there’s very likely to be 1-2 scum next to him, but I don’t know if we can trust Wazza on who he poisoned (or even necessarily on being Poisoner – if we go with the Spy theory, Possessed could’ve just been getting poisoned information all game)

Also Eevee is town by association with Wazza

It doesn’t. It means everything Wazza says can’t be taken as truth. The only truth I have is that he’s poisoner

or a 1.
or occasionally a 0.
whatever they think will give you false information, and more importantly lead to a closer game

a drunk can technically receive correct information occasionally

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same thing with poisoned and fabled i believe

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Please, make up your mind.

@eevee, @Arete and @Isaac_Gonzalez have not cast any votes for today’s nominations.

@Shurian has cast only a single vote.

@Italy, @Nerbins, @Wazza and @KyoDaz are on their ghost vote; remember that a ghost vote only allows one vote to execute on one nomination for the rest of the game!

If I didn’t call your name, then you’ve cast votes for every outstanding nomination. Good for you. You get virtual headpats.

/hand up Magnus and Isaac, hand down everyone else

I’m going to be honest, I’m multitabling hard enough that I don’t really know at this point.

You didn’t have to ping me for this…

/hand up Isaac+Magnus

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

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Also I literally cast my votes as hands down on everyone right after you closed nominations

You only get one vote I think; I wouldn’t use it on a no-vote

Let me also just say that I have no idea what Magnus is getting at doing this, but he didn’t even vote his Soldier counterclaim. I think he’s openwolf at this point.

The voting period has closed and all unsubmitted votes will be defaulted to pardon. Please wait while the vote totals are processed.

Tan counted the last of the votes, concern visible on her face. The town waited with bated breath.

“Whew, for a second there I thought we weren’t gonna have enough! You people need to vote more…”

“So who dies today, Tan?”

“Magnus, of course!”

“Good thing I’ll survive this execution.”

“Quiet, Fool. It doesn’t work like that. As a matter of fact, you seem terribly ignorant of the way things work. I think a more… subtle punishment is called for here.” As Tan spoke, she turned her hands as if simulating a clock. She glowed blue with strong magics and a portal opened beside her.

“How the hell did you do that, Tan?”

“Did you all forget? I’m confirmed Chrono. Now then, who wants to do the honors of sending Magnus into my time-hole?”

Isaac stepped forward and grabbed Magnus’ collar. “Allow me.”

Magnus went screaming through the portal, and Tan followed, laughing all the way. “Be sure to keep the plants watered while I’m gone! It shouldn’t take long on your end!”

Magnus and Tan emerged on a rather different cliffside than the one they had left. In the distance, a grand city of marble was visible, but all that was around the two was an old cottage. Tan flew up to the cottage door and loudly yelled “You here, teacher?”

An older man opened the door and smiled at the sight of Tan. “Ah, one of my favorite students. Though it looks that time has not been kind to you…”

“Dangers of the job, I’m afraid. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about. I bring before you a fool who is certain he’s right. I’m quite sure you know what I ask of you, Socrates.”

“But of course, Tan. I’m always happy to enlighten the youth. I think he and I will have a grand time.”

“Alright then! Magnus, this is Socrates. Not sure if you’ve heard his name before, but… He’s pretty clever. All you have to do is prove him wrong. When that’s done, I’ll come back and get you. Have fun!” Tan opened another portal and dashed through.

She emerged into the town square of Ravenswood Bluff, now sporting a curious monument of marble a short distance away from the clocktower. “A damn shame, really. Someone pry that open?”

The townsfolk complied, prying a slab from the side of the monument to reveal the ancient bones of Magnus, along with a letter.

“Another failure, Tan. A shame I cannot find another student so astute as you.”

Magnus is executed and Day 3 comes to a close. Please send in your Night 4 actions within 24 hours.

This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.