Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Wait I called Tan what?

I will be nominating arete today I think.

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That or simon

Can someone fill me in on our PoE? The chance I was Drunk/Fabled is possibleā€¦but the results I got wouldnā€™t indicate that.

Italy claimed Ravenkeeperā€¦flipped RK.
Wazza claimed Poisonerā€¦flipped Poisoner.
We THOUGHT Magnus was Spyā€¦he flipped Imp.

If Iā€™m drunk/fabled, hosts bent me over backwards because those results donā€™t indicate I am.

wait you still did the action so you should know if i was soilder or not

Nope. Dead. Wish I COULD confirm you because thatd figure if Iā€™m fabled/drunk.

me + arete POE with maybe hail or simon

I think Simon is clear one way or another.

Hail would depend on if we have Baron, and well never know. I DO think we were on the right path though; Demon wouldnā€™t kill me if they knew I was Drunk giving wrong results.

Arete dies today.

Are weā€¦sure?

i trust the maxwell + shurian thing and i trust simon


is my poe

I mean, if Italy claimed Ravenkeeper as Ravenkeeper, then even if youā€™re malfunctioning Tan would pretty much either have to give you a RK result or give you Italy as scum

like, if Italy claims RK and you get that Italy is the Librarian, that would be a pretty clear neon sign that youā€™re getting weird info

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I also trust Maxwell/Shurian but I would like an explanation of why you trust Simon

afaik he just really likes my tone and the way im addressing stuff.
i disagree with the reasoning but i think thats why

Thereā€™s also a guaranteed Fabled, and if thereā€™s baronā€¦that means there is a Drunk. One way or another, I believe Simons results.

I still think Marshal is the hang Tbh.

wait, you think im not the fabled/drunk?

iā€™d be down as long as arete is the next one hanged

No I think you ARE.

aight yeah that makes more sense