Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Nah fam, I was starting Imp.

Heā€™s actually verbal diahreeaing. And they donā€™t have numbers or this game would end.

I know we donā€™t have numbers.

But you canā€™t win.

You can be evil
Or channeled
Or drunk

all wrong

I mean you wouldnā€™t know if the second or third one is wrong

@Arete IYO is it simon or marshal and why

Bzzz. Wrong. You canā€™t tell if youā€™re either

You all do realize that if youā€™re the Drunk, Tan doesnā€™t say ā€˜youā€™re the Drunkā€™

Nor does she tell you that youā€™re channeled

if i was the drunk, shurian would not have hardclaimed saint before being given any information whatsoever


Marshal was trying to get himself killed yesterday and I donā€™t think it was leveling

nor if i was channeled

You do know evils are given bluffs, right?

not socially, mechanically
why is simonā€™s claim less trustworthy than marshalā€™s

the only way iā€™m not channel-free librarian is if shurian is evil; itā€™s that simple

Simon COULD have faked his role. Wed think heā€™s drunk, as we did.

If we temporarily pretend Shuri is the Demon (which to be clear he obviously isnā€™t) then he would have claimed one of his bluffs, which would at that point make it 1 in 3 for you to see him as his bluff

I wouldnā€™t put this past tan.

Theyā€™re equally untrustworthy, mechanically soaking