Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

2 Scum = Impossible.

Game would end.

  1. I had no idea there was going to be nor there was a Mayor in play. That’s why I whispered you in the first place after the CC.
  2. I had nothing else to do. Either me or you were going to be lynched and I’d rather myself get lynched over an actual Mayor. My role was useless as fuck, seriously. I already had my knowledge so I had no reason to stay in the damn game any longer.


That’s your fucking hint to my class.


that’s not how this works

I’ve been through this like 15 times already


I know. Because ghost votes.

I got a response from Tangled.

@Simon You can indeed vote dead players.

in that scenario, we don’t have a Baron, meaning instead we have a Poisoner, a Spy, and a Scarlet Woman

also in this scenario the evils are Maxwell/Shuri/Wazza/{Magnus, Isaac} which means no one else is evil

since there’s no Baron, there’s a Channel-mastered person but not a Drunk

Simon definitely got false information and in this scenario is confirmed Good, meaning that he’s either the Channel-mastered person or the N1 poison target or Magnus is just the world’s most questionable Spy or Imp

Possessed maybe got false information in this scenario as well, depending on Magnus’s class, in this case on N3, but he got true info N1 and N2.

everyone else has not confirmably malfunctioned but that doesn’t mean they can’t have

I don’t think Imp!Magnus, nor Spy!Magnus, would claim an in-play role, and in this scenario Magnus/Isaac is TvS. so Possessed in this scenario was malfunctioning N3, meaning that either he was Poisoned (which means he was Poisoned N2 as well), or he’s channel-mastered. if he’s Channel-mastered then Simon was poisoned N1

basically what I’m getting here is that it’s very technically possible but really really unlikely

also Shuri and Maxwell aren’t next to each other, so they’d have to be coordinated

tl;dr Magnus/Shuri highly unlikely to be W/W, Shuri nearly-certain to be Good

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temporarily postulating an F3 between me, Marshal, and Simon, who of those three do you think is most likely to be the Demon? who do you think is least likely to be the Demon?

Out of who?

General consensus seems to be on you… although can I vote for Shurian instead?

We’re lynching Wazza’s corpse today

also I’m not asking what consensus is I’m asking what you think

yes there is a reason for this

Probably Marshal>Arete>Simon then.
But don’t take my word for it.

scum doesnt win with voting parity



I want your answer too

This was partially why I was tinfoiling W!Maxwell

it is in fact still possible that Maxwell was the Spy but I don’t think he’s W/W with Shuri


  • I believe this post displays genuine emotion
  • while in my opinion Maxwell wasn’t the optimal kill temporarily taking everyone at their word, he was pretty close to it in worlds where he was Good
  • in particular, no one else but me has a usable ability remaining of any form, and attacking me would have been actively stupid
  • thus, in worlds where Maxwell is Good, I’m confused about why Wazza would make that post

but on the other hand, Maxwell’s been acting socially Good for most of the game, and if I read him on that basis he’s Good. also, if he’s evil the only evil he can reasonably be is the Spy.

shut it nerd simon and I are lynching you in the F3 with the rest of good