Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Hooray, someone paid attention!

Yeah. Weā€™re going to F3

Itā€™s F4 right now, of which 1 is the Demon and 3 are not-the-Demon

If we make it F3 weā€™ll have 1 Demon and 2 not-the-Demon which gives us better odds and also allows for the possibility of Mayor-winning if weā€™re still unsure

Tan is going from 1-15 in order. When she reaches you, you vote. And the vote canā€™t be changed. Ever. Also if you post twice while itā€™s your turn to vote she counts it as a pardon

and preventing evils from sniping

Ah that makes more sense thx

Risky. What if Isaac/Hail ARENT scum? We got ghost votes but stillā€¦thatā€™s 2 alive scum. If we donā€™t get demon, scum wins.

(thatā€™s why weā€™re voting Wazza as opposed to straight no-lynching)

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:confetti_ball: :partying_face: :confetti_ball:

I dunno I need to think through first >_<
I have 0 clue

I get to talk as much as I want because tan will never call on me to vote again

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Think about it. 3 alive: Town, Demon, Minion. Minion pushes town, demon pushes minionā€¦town joins with demon to lynch minion.

Demon wins.

until she inevitably gets tired of us being so chatty after she said to keep talking to a minimum in clockhand and puts HL in play

Minion can honestly openwolf in a 3 way with the demon.

Iā€™ve seen that happen, it creates a ton of WifoM over whether theyā€™re a Minion or a Demon faking it

the most amusing example was, quote, ā€˜I nominate myself, my accusation is that Iā€™m evilā€™

I need a sub for myself for this game.


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Or you could have picked from the spectators, who have (hopefully) been watching this gameā€¦

and then I was like ā€˜this is too obvious, itā€™s probably a Demon trying to make us think theyā€™re a Minionā€™

and then we executed them and they were a Minion


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well dead minions sure. but living ones? disagree.

wow. thatsā€¦
a lot of pings