Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

If it’s your turn to vote, you may speak once before placing your vote (the idea being that you can make a case as to why you’re voting the way you are).

That’s fair but what am I even spending a ghost vote on Wazza for? To die again…?

Arete’s not that dumb. Eliminating pushers is especially useless here.

@KyoDaz you are next to vote on the “execution” of Waz. you have 2 posts to make your vote or it will be defaulted to no. wait too long and it will be defaulted regardless. read up to see my reasons why we’re voting him, although i personally say no one should waste their ghost vote on this lynch

Marshal’s thought process feels unnatural

if you’ve read That One Article it feels like a plinko board not a waterfall

prrrrrrobably going him over Simon tomorrow if we don’t want to try a Mayor win (assuming Shuri dies)

One ghost vote did end hail

Ok I’m lost.

Let me tell you that I know how arete acts as evil
this isn’t it

Wazza was revived?

No, the vote is to execute a corpse (which can be done).

No Wazza is dead and nominated and tangeld is now baiting votes

No, wazza is go sleep sleep with the bears

Lmfao how did I miss this.

No way, keep Wazza talking he’s spewing us in the right direction.

Actual suggestion: register a pre-vote on Wazz so that when it gets to you you don’t accidentally post twice

everyone alive needs to vote on him for this to definitely work

/hands up Wazza

no, this system was set in place before i nominated waz.
they’re doing their job by notifying people of their options

What this mean

IIRC Tan is requiring your next two posts after it gets to you to contain your vote

So nominating Wazza was for a no-lynch? Meh.

What’s even the logic of the no-lynch? Limiting the choices?

Durian is unable to comprehend
Durian cannot