Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

i mean he also claimed librarian to me

which is why i remember it

Demon was moving up to kill Possessed, our Undertaker


They canā€™t withhold a kill but they could kill a corpse to get the same effect

if they try to do that Iā€™d be in favor of forcing a fiddle contest

(Magnus registered as Imp to Possessed, who claims UT, but itā€™s not confirmed with certainty that heā€™s not malfunctioning)

Kills have been, in order:

  • non-outed Fortune Teller claim
  • non-outed Empath claim
    (at this point Eevee posted all the claims)
  • Monk claim
  • Undertaker claim
  • you

Simon was told that either I was Investigator, or you were.
I wasnā€™t, and you claimed soldier

I feel so unappreciated

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Imagine appreciating Italy LUL

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That was d1.

Okay am gonna quickly eat and come back can someone tell me when EoD is?

How about Italian food?

EoD is 2019-12-04T18:30:00Z. Even did the time thing because I donā€™t know which timezone you are, and IIRC that auto-adjusts.

Am PST so thatā€™s 10:30am for me not bad might be away but Iā€™m got time atleast till then

i even went as far as to type all the claims instead of copy+pasting them :frowning:


I appreciate you Italy <3

youā€™re my favorite Knight :upside_down_face:

i am now wondering if i should thank you or hit you

Did you mean Cold Steel them?


My class was never added to ToL for being too epic.

Was it a killer that used a Magnum?

Ridiculous. Thatā€™s just his ITA Passive