Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I didn’t, because Eevee said he’d give a signal or something for me to claim Monk.
Isaac has no such excuse.

thats stupid

I think Isaac’s excuse is that he replaced in on D2ish

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Although he still needs to answer my question

True. But my point remains.

@isaac_gonzalez ANSWER THE QUESTION.

(This one right here)

from least demon to most demon

shut up this isn’t my life

Hot take: ssuming that Magnus’s list goes from most Demon to least Demon, Magnus/Isaac isn’t W/W


…my opinion on the Demon changes completely depending on whether I assume there are two scum dead or three right now

It is.

No u.


So I just realized something else that points to Possessed being healthy and sober (assuming he’s Good, but at this point I basically believe that)

if Possessed were Drunk/etc., then assuming he got incorrect information at least once (which is highly likely, over the course of three nights) Evil would have known he was malfunctioning, and probably would have kept him alive so that he could continue to spread bad information

so Possessed is probably not Drunk/etc.

and we can probably therefore trust that Magnus actually was the Imp

Given that that would point to Isaac/Magnus being W/W, actually, since Magnus probably would have claimed one of his bluffs were he the Imp


the reason I bring this up is the quality of the Demon kills pointing to the presence of a Spy, though this is post-N1

also possible that the Demon was just killing kind of at random for some reason

also if Wazza was a Spy him claiming an in-play role doesn’t make sense

New theory that’s only mostly a joke:

I’m the Drunk, Wazza is the Spy, Wazza saw me as Drunk Mayor and didn’t realize this didn’t mean there couldn’t be a normal Mayor

…never mind actually that’s dumb, he then CC’d Shurian