Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]



Also Recluse

so ur saying the last 2 minions/demons claimed neutrals because what else would they claim


Outsiders aren’t neutrals

I keep forgetting

what did shurian claim

Travelers are technically neutrals, and they aren’t in the game

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You could be telling the truth I just think it would be weird for Magnus to take that much of a risk

They have a 66/33 chance of being good/evil respectively


I mean, ST decides if they’re good or evil, but ST rule of thumb is 66/33

i thought outsiders would get a town role but would just have a difference with them

Outsiders are good-aligned and have the Good win condition but have negative abilities

e.g. Recluse is sort of like a Miller

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Saint literally makes good lose instantly if they’re executed :eyes:

Saint is a great claim for a demon, but with Wazza claiming it and Maxwell confirming Shurian…Shurian is least likely scum of the three.

Which is exactly why I think this no-Lynch will be useless.

/whisper Waz

The demon’s not gonna let me live right
I dont wanna make a choice