Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

@Arete he flipped imp

Then given that youā€™re claiming to be Soldier, why do you think he claimed an in-play role and not one of his bluffs?

Possessed could have been malfunctioning (or evil, technically)

thats the only confusing part he probably knew there was a scarlet witch via whispers

remember he whispered wazza

why would they kill poss at night if he was evil

this is unlikely because he got correct results that matched the persons claim before they died

possessed malfunctioning to only 1 result would be weird

which classes was he able to claim (his fake claims he was given)

any class that his minions didnā€™t also claim

doesnā€™t demon know the 3 classes that arenā€™t in play?

yes, the demon is told 3 classes that arenā€™t in play to bluff as
they can spread this info to their minions

Chef: You start the game knowing how many instances of adjacent evil players exist.
Virgin: The first time you are nominated, your accuser will instead be executed if they are Townsfolk.

this is probably why they claimed a easy faked claimed class like soilder instead of these 2

I mean those arenā€™t the only two classes not in play

wtf this one is so easy to fakeclaim iā€™ve been claiming it forever



I high-key think he got Invest as a bluff and thatā€™s where Simonā€™s results came from (assuming Simon is Good)

uhh what

Assuming Simon is Good and malfunctioning or makes sense for Tan to show him the Demon as one of the Demonā€™s bluffs


these were never claimed right?