Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I’ll still have to make a choice
What the fuck

Exactly my point.

F3 makes things easier, no matter how you see it

Mechconfirmation is BS anyways in BotC, so this dodges the blue moon chance where shurian is evil

I’m betting F3 brings 2 evils in: Arete and Marshal. Helps nothing.

And yes, that contradicts my results but I’m thinking Magnus is a crazy bastard and didn’t take the 3 fakeclaims

‘Arete and Marshal are W/W’ Sure Is A Take

You know, I really thought that F4 would be more… active…

The day has closed and all unsubmitted votes will be defaulted to pardon. Please wait while the day’s results are tallied.

Tan counted the last of the votes. “Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? We’re executing Wazza, folks!”

Wazza’s ghost simply pouted in the corner. “It’s like no one trusts me anymore…”

“Wait, how can we even execute a body at the bottom of the sea?”

“You’re mixing up the days again, Magnus. Wazza was in the middle of that forest fire, remember?”

The town traveled to the edge of the forest, where Wazza’s charred remains were still visibly strapped to the post where he had been set to be executed.

Tan sighed. “Someone get him down from there so that we can get this over with.”

Simon reached up to untie Wazza’s body, but as he touched Wazza’s arm, it fell off and crumbled into ashes upon hitting the ground.

“Wait, stop!” Tan cried out with something strange in her voice… Was it excitement? “I’ve always wanted to do this, and now I have the perfect chance!”

Tan licked her finger and held it up in the air, as if gauging the wind. After a brief moment, she snapped her fingers.

“Mr. Simon! I don’t feel so good!” Wazza’s voice called out across the field as a strong breeze picked up and his charred corpse seemed to crumble before the townsfolk’s eyes, being carried off as dust in the wind.

Wazza has been executed once more but this time he survived it.The sun’s getting real low as Night 7 begins…

…And Night 7 ends! Our Demon wastes little time, as Marshal is found unceremoniously skewered upon a pitchfork in the town square. A note is affixed to the end of the pitchfork’s tines.

“I grow tired of your stalling, mortals. By triumph or death, I shall finish this today.”

Day 7 begins, and as yesterday, nominations may be called at any time.

oof ouch my bones

Wait what

Was that a star pass or a bounce or am I just dumb

Why is Marshal dead and not Shurian this makes no sense

do I need to go re-evaluate the whole ‘what if Shurian is the Demon’ theory again because I thought I’d settled on ‘no’

ok lets lynch arete.

They obviously wanted to shake something up.

simon has no reason to kill me and is cleared from my POV

I don’t have a reason to kill you either

i know you can say “simon and i scumbuds etc” but I think he is cleared.

this only makes sense from an arete or shuri perspective.

I was your #1 hardpusher and i would always nominate you here

But a decent number of the people who were actively bothering to play thought it was more likely you than me

e.g. Possessed