Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

PoE is honestly arete/shuri but how does shuri get a random saint claim as a scarlet woman?

Why is Simon not PoE

Simon is more PoE than Shuri

Why the heck am I alive

you ask me.

if you are town nominate arete.

No one should be nominating yet

We have time

@TrustworthyLiberal lmk if you ever want me to sub back into this slot. That is all.

If someone nominates then we stop having time

Who am I supposed to nominate O.O
Arete is 100% town here from my reads

Wait wtf no Simon has to be drunk then Arete


This kill makes no sense

Even if we assume it was a bounce it doesnā€™t make sense because that would imply the Demon attacked me

Wait if 2 scum are alive then its the 2 of them
But if thereā€™s only 1 scum
Dead guys come out pls

I now reiterate the discobot theory

Like I said

We have time and we should use it

I always kill Shurian here
Simon should always kill Shurian here unless heā€™s really worried about a Mayor win
Shurian obviously doesnā€™t kill themself but imo Simon is the kill that would make the most sense for him, because in scenarios where itā€™s me/Marshal/Shurian Marshal and I usually cross-nominate

We have a full 12 hours
Albeit I was somewhere else

The demon rando killedā€¦
Or attacked Marshal to implicate Arete
And me at the same time
That makes perfect sense

But no its F4 itā€™ll be stupid of them to
Wait no its to bring it to F3
But theyā€™re tightening the noose over themselves
Uh excuse me what

It could have been Marshal starpassing to a living Minion??

I lowkey think this is the theory that makes the most sense

If Marshal was Demon with a Minion alive, and thought he was getting lynched tomorrow, then suiciding would be logical

but then whoā€™s the Minion??

Reminder that nominations may be placed over the entirety of the 48-hour game day, just as was possible yesterday.

Thatā€™s also why the thread title now just says ā€œDay 7ā€ instead of adding ā€œDiscussion Phaseā€ or the like.

Technically all of us is a Saint now kappa
Except for demon.

They knew that Saint in F3 is easy to execute and thus they left me alive to implicate me
(Because Saint canā€™t be left alive this long without dying)
It was their plan all along
No one was pushing on me based on ā€œI will die to Saint tonightā€
But no, itā€™s actually ingenious too

Or Arete they could have attacked you and it backfired onto them

Simon is clearly our final guy left

Maybe Iā€™m Drunk and thereā€™s a Spy who knows it

and theyā€™re trying to confuse us into going for a Mayor win