Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

She burned someone at the stake!
Or post, I guess.
…Meat was a bit overcooked, though. Way past the point of “Well done”

In hindsight, yeah, but I wanted Pukka next to Mastermind because my whole grand plan for that game was that Italy would eventually realize he was Lunatic, take Orange down, then Mastermind would pick up the pieces. I didn’t bank on Orange wolfing so hard that they doubletapped him.

You never expect the second shot

You could’ve made Orange the Mastermind and Neb the Demon

You could’ve made the demon someone who doesn’t whisper the lunatic first, making them the first target if they figure it out

Imagine if Orange was the Mastermind :omegalul:
It just so happens to be what he claimed to me

I’m more annoyed that he didn’t vote on the Mastermind day

Those two weren’t next to each other, Verbal was between them. Though I probably could have swapped Mastermind and Innkeeper to achieve the same effect.

A me/Neb/Verbal team would have made me so happy

Honestly, what gave orange away was a few things

  1. The self bus. Why would mastermind ever do that?
    Literally ever
  2. My “The fuck are you doing?” whisper to nacho
  3. Orange whispered me first

Point 2, unless I’m mistaken, was also the point at which Nacho claimed Evil Twin to you in a BMR game and you believed him.

> be Italy
> play BMR
> someone claims Evil Twin to you
> believe it

I didn’t read the script!

Mindmelding with Tan here

she’s probably V

Real problem here is that nacho thought I was pranking him
In a game where lunatic can spawn

He didn’t think you were pranking him with the Demon claim, he thought you were pranking him by “acting” like you believed the Evil Twin claim.

Also both my minions self-bussed without even being able to give me any credit to it. Terrible teammates.

I mean, we’re actually derailing the whole thread right now, we can find another place to talk about past games.

Shurian has nominated Simon, no other outstanding nominations so far.

Hands up si-
angrily throws down hat again

…How many hats were you wearing?