Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

nevemrind don’t /nominate arete

That doesn’t end the day, and you still can’t nominate because you are dead and dead players cannot nominate!

Maxwell/TL is claiming Lib with Isaac and Shuri as Saint, and they didn’t have a way to communicate that to each other before telling it separately to Eevee

obviously there are ways for that not to be correct but combined with evil!Shuri implying no Drunk, they’re pretty unlikely

why didn’t you say this sooner. also why is it the 1st 2 posts

thats kinda noob

The thing I’m worried about is that if you’re the Demon and I nominate Shurian (or myself) and then evils are able to get more votes on one of the two of us than are on you and I’ve already spent my vote

whereas if I don’t do that then depending on exact vote totals there’s the potential for me to then nominate basically anyone and try to tie the vote

this was a bigger concern before we switched away from clockhand voting? now I’m mostly just worried about not even knowing where evils are voting

they could have easily just been poisoned n1.
and what would shurian being drunk have to do with it.

Shurian’s not the Drunk for obvious reasons

my point is that if Shurian were to be evil, that means that rather than dealing with Drunk/Channelmaster-affected/poison targets, we’re only dealing with the latter two

This is exactly why I tried to make clockhand voting a thing on the last day; to stop scum from being able to hijack the last day by shoving a vote through last second, and to allow good players the chance to better their odds by votereading the players they thought were scum.

But trying to do clockhand voting with this group has so far led to basically no one voting, which is disappointing. I’m lifting the clockhand voting in an effort to get people to actually participate on the last day, because at the rate we’re going we’re going to get about six votes total on the final day, and that makes for a rather lackluster ending.


I’m in favor of Shurian being alive.

@Arete who do you want to lynch?

you can vote multiple times

Unless we have a poisoner target for n1, thats still a 1/16 (if we assume that i am the drunk for this, because if im not then it means im the demon and the extra chance on shurian being the demon actually means nothing)

perhaps you could require all votes be public, and make it so that if there arent at least 12 hours remaining in the day when someone is nominated, enough time will be added so there is. this would prevent snap votes and hidden votes from deciding the game, while not forcing the clockwork thing


or we tie it but imagine successfully coordinating a tie without clockhand voting

now I don’t trust you

as mayor you wouldn’t want to lynch anyone though at f3

substitute vote with nomination, that’s what I was trying to say

yes it is unlikely. but unlikely things can still happen. because otherwise they’d be impossible.

why would you lynch

did you read the second half of my message

no I didn’t