Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

you should’ve expected this

because I could be Drunk/channelmaster’ed, or evils could mess up attempts to force a tie

by wordcount it’s more like the second 13/14s of my message


how to read

Yeah, Im waiting for other options.

i mean you realize the point of clockhand voting is supposed to be so that you have to make a decision then, that you have to decide whether or not you think this person is demon, and then the next person can be nominated. like im pretty sure it works that way intentionally

But right now I think you’re the Demon

Pretty sure Arete is the Demon here.

Pretty sure I know what demon is


It’s an imp.

that was replying to eevee not you, your cool

Does that mean I get to blame you if you vote me and we lose?

Only if you’re lynched and are townsfolk.

I mean if you want to tell me why you think that I can explain why your reasons for thinking it are bad

but given literally every game I’ve ever played with you I’m sort of not sure whether there’s a point to doing that

I believe you are the Demon for taking things too seriously.
Also, if Shurian managed to fake their one-liner I will be very impressed.
That leaves you and Simon.


How are you guys? Struggling? Good. So have I. I’m struggling to watch this game as it’s Town’s own fault if they lose.

aReTe Is ScUm FoR tRyInG

I’ve decided I’m gonna come clean on something. I’ve already outed it to Eevee.

Simon, just nominate them.
I’m bored of waiting.

Time to sink the demon same as I-58 sunk Indianapolis.

Scum’s Wincon is…

Get the Demon into the Final 2.

You don’t understand the deeper thought to that statement, but it’s not like I need to explain anything to you considering you apparently don’t care anyway.