Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Arete, before you go, please.
Do you think Isaac was actually a minion? This’ll help with a read

Kay so if this is true, Eev probably claimed to Pos first as monk before Pos claimed to him.
Is this right?


Is anyone besides Kyo and Isaac online right now?

my random posts help you know if im online or not im not saying ok to anyone

i mean you realize that being skipped essentially made your decision anyways, right?

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Okay so I’m just gonna recap what we know that’s important
Execution mostly between Simon and Arete. Shurian was checked as good by empath but so was Eev, making Kyo’s results less reliable meaning Shuri could be bad.
Eev outed themselves as scum. This means that that 3/4 of the evil team are dead (Waz, Eev, Isaac/Mag).
Eev “slipped” as OG demon but I really doubt it and believe it’s a ploy like he did earlier with “accidentally” revealing the identity of the fake monk who claimed soldier.

Yeah but I decided to leave it to one of the hosts to skip me manually. Don’t know why honestly, dumb move on my part and counter-productive. Sorry.

oh now apparently theres more??
i cannot be expected to counter the mechanics stuff behind shurian if i dont know all of them.

More what?

Again, I’ve already told you that I will not be offended by whatever you say considering I’m literally inviting you to bash my gameplay.

Morals are literally subjective. There is no logic in morals. They are not bound by rules.
Deontological ethics are believed by people whom are not confident in their own feelings about morals.
Either way, you’ve already stated you do not believe in deontological ethics.
That doesn’t disprove my statement of you being bound by ‘moral principles’ and therefore cannot state your opinion on my gameplay false.

If you actually believed what you’re saying somehow is less offensive than actually stating your opinion, you’re dead wrong.
That’s one of the reasons I want you to comment.
Being passive-aggressive will not help you, hiding ‘reasons’ as to why I am a bad player will not help me, and it also won’t help your case against my reason either.

I still believe that if you aren’t bound to a rules system you would’ve stated why I am a bad player, such as when you did in a previous game.

I cannot find any logical conclusion as to why you’d not state that I am a bad player unless you’re either bound to a rules system or it’s an outside cause, such as

Your blame tactic is also absolutely horrible as well. It only makes me want to lynch you more.
It’s not skillful, all it does is degrade someone’s confidence. You can make them re-evaluate reads in another way.

This is exactly why you are scum, Arete.
You keep stating you are bound to principals yet your passive-aggressiveness is optimal for Town.

In the world you are Town you’d need to re-evaluate your morals completely or learn when to say things to people’s face.

And that’s one reason around why I believe you are scum. I’ll go onto the activity one next if needed.

im pushing shurian and i was asked how i would explain the mechanical stuff behind shurian.
except i have no idea what the mechanical stuff behind shurian is, so when i asked arete he gave me something, and now apparently theres more that dont know about

shurian is confirmed lmao

Empath checked Shurian as good. We now know thanks to Eev that either empath was poisoned or they’re either drunk or fabled drunk.
Librarian I’m dumb

Not anymore


maxwell/TL had shuri come up as saint

I’m stupid my bad

so ur saying empath and Maxwell both are evil with shurian?

oh ok