Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

except its not tho.
you say you only did that as ravenkeeper. but that you knew you were doing this in advance, which i dont think you are

also you act like i agree with it when i want to put it out there that is not my current belief of the world. as stated before i am just working within the assumption-space

My defense is that in theory the Undertaker could be Drunk/Poisoned/Channelmastered/whatever and that would mess up our ability to solve

but this is still a good execution so w/e

When undertaker confirms me as Ravenkeeper. I will NEVER let ANY of you who hands upped me live it down. NEVER.

Unless youā€™re evil because thatā€™s kinda your job

Oh Eevee told me you were evil, I was trying to get you to leak information about your teammates

this isnā€™t convincing anyone.

i can develop opinons within the assumption space, but that doesnt mean i believe the assumption.
i have no opinion on whether or not there really is this evidence on you as eevee says. i am merely assuming it for the purposes of gathering information on you that others, namely eevee would back

Are you calling me dumb?

One role with wrong results is already found.

There still can be second, sure.

Lowers the probability tho.

@Tangeld @anon97870008 /hand up Arete

The town may now vote on Areteā€™s nomination. As it stands, seven votes are required to execute.

Italy is power-minion (Posioner or scarlet woman, IMO) and arete is prolly baron, trying to counterwagon onto themselves instead of italy.

I would like to request that we not tie the votes because tied votes are bad

Iā€™m down for any of the executions

or, in this hypothetical, you could accept that weā€™re town and town makes mistakes, that for town this is the logical thing to believe and that just because it turned out to be wrong in this instance, does not make it the incorrect move in general

Hey Marshal

If the Undertaker claim finds me to be my claimed class, can we execute you

Iā€™m going to point this out just because i can.
Eevee claims to be confirmed.
There are 4 evils in this game. 3 minions and the Demon, as confirmed by the script.
Eeveeā€™s claim is not only not 100% mechanically confirmed, but eevee is also pushing too hard with info that can VERY easily be false.
pulls out calculator
poisonerā€¦chances of being drunkā€¦the probability that theyā€™re evil because itā€™s a flipless game

i canā€™t be bothered to do all this math

Imo incorect move was trying to do random fakeclaim.

Iā€™m ok with this. I knew this would be a bold move when Eevee proposed it and that wed need 100% cooperation from everyone. Withheld information isnā€™t helping and if you happen to someone flip town, your death will likely out a real scum anyways. Greater good.

My point is, thereā€™s no such thing as mechanical confirmation. Donā€™t assume anything.

/queue - hand down arete

/queue - hand down marshal

/queue - Hand up italy

@anon97870008 @Tangeld

arete does not want italy lynched for reasons. They are counterwagoning onto themselves. which means we lynch italy IMO.