Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I mean yeah but that doesn’t matter right now

Isaac tried really hard to pick up the pieces, but yeah, damage was done by that point.


It was a legitimate gambit on his part
I soulread his play

literally couldn’t do nothing with wazza


Yeah I think most people had Isaac townread, especially with the Magnus thunderdome.

Also what’d Isaac do to get muted?
Quote a whisper?

i was too pro for the mods

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(i was really impressed by Isaacs play, imagine subbing in… and getting the whole Grimoire ^^)

Low-key think that Isaac was scum MVP this game

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inciting violence against minorities

/s this is joke

Accidentally posted in an ongoing game that he wasn’t in

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This brings up a good point; Spy seeing WW/Lib/Invest info actually doesn’t see what character was detected, they just see who was the true register and who was the false register. So not even the Spy knew that Librarian saw a Saint between themselves and Shurian.

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I’m not going to post a comment

Still gotta go to the yoloclaiming Saint.

Says a lot about
A: The scumteam
B: The fact that we got to F3 with them

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Isaac was the one doing the best job of pushing agenda in F3 in my opinion


Yeah, he was too pro for the mods.
(aka Isaac did accidentally make a meme post in an ongoing game, purely without intention, but eh, its Isaac, so let’s punish him)

Isaac and shurian scum MVPs

Isaac for trying pretty hard and shurian for the ballsy AF yoloclaim

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lul in Maxwell misclearing scum twice
This could have been academy 2

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