Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I have absolutely no idea what you people are doing.
Have fun.

/whisper Arete
/whisper Shurian
/whisper Marshal
/whisper DirectorHail
/whisper Simon
/whisper Nerbins
/whisper Frostwolf103
/whisper WazzaAzza
/whisper Maxwell
/whisper Magnus
/whisper Possessed

Redoing the whole request list.

@Marshal @Possessed - Reaccept the request.

Rest: Accept it.
We are doing something simlar to ā€œWhisper the mysticā€ meta.

If you want to pass info to someone else, tell me as well.
Even if you want to pass info to another ROLE, but you donā€™t know who has it.
I will just pass it through to correct person.

Current claims status: 5/14.

3 hours and not even 100 posts yet
This is gonna move real slowly, isnā€™t it?

This game has a lot of whispers, tbf

/accept eeveewhisper

@eevee /accept whisper

/Accept Whisper

/whisper Possessed


Great, hosts afk when you ask questions to them.

/whisper Arete


Answer for one more thing which you cut short.


/Accept Whisper @Arete

well, im not a fan of simply following the meta.
its a stance ive had and a stance i intend to keep
yes theres a reason that metas exist and i understand that, but at the same time they tend to make the game a bit more boring so i dont like them.
so nah. if i whisper someone i have a reason and id be willing to give that reason, but i shall decline to get into this claimfest.
i realize how this may seem like me backtracking on what ive previously said to keep avoid claiming, however i believe this is the same belief, its just i hadnt properly identified that at the time, in thread or to myself

@Tangeld could you put a role list in the op please?

/whisper Simon

/whisper Possessed


simon the meta is what wins games bud.

not following because you dont like it isā€¦

Thatā€™s fine, just be aware that you will be hung by default for not claiming and you will be putting the others who HAVE claimed in jeopardy as they will be likely to be focused. Eevee gets everyoneā€™s claim, we are all on even playing grounds.

This is what I meant by either nobody or everybody cooperates.

/Accept Whisper @eevee

With every post you make Marshal it makes me want to kill you more

Not following some meta is reasonable, when there are potentially better outcomes.
Not following meta that is always the better outcome is unreasonable.

Also, Iā€™m all for allowing eevee to run a dictatorship.
If I remember correctly, roles are limited to spawning once per game.
Claiming anonymously to eevee will allow them to catch duplicate role claims whilst keeping our roles hidden.
Iā€™m all for doing this even if it risks them being Spy or Possessed lying.