Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I’ve started skim reading but a summary would be appreciated.

  • Italy likely minion; doubled up on a Monk claim, then switched to Ravenkeeper. Is semi-thunderdomed with Magnus.
  • Wazza confirmed minion, has now confessed to being scum. Before that he was thunderdomed with me.
  • If Marshal is sober, healthy, and good, you are confirmed not Demon
  • Eevee also had a post about who can and can’t be Demon, it’s somewhere in his Iso, I’m going to look for it in a moment.
  • Wazza scum basically clears Eevee.
  • Isaac is for various reasons highly likely to be a Minion but unlikely to be the Demon.
  1. Eevee
  2. Italy
  3. Arete
  4. Shurian
  5. Marshal
  6. DirectorHail
  7. Simon
  8. Nerbins
  9. Frostwolf103
  10. WazzaAzza
  11. Maxwell
  12. Magnus
  13. Possessed
  14. KyoDaz

Playerlist. For various reasons I’m leaning strongly towards an Italy/Wazza/Isaac minion team, if that’s false then a lot of these deductions fall apart.

I’m going to tentatively clear all of their neighbors from being Minions because said neighbors could have exchanged bluffs with them, and obviously if I’m right that they’re minions they aren’t (currently) the Demon. That brings us to:

  1. Shurian
  2. Marshal
  3. DirectorHail
  4. Simon
  5. Magnus
  6. Possessed
  7. KyoDaz

This + Marshal’s Slayer shot (which again sober/healthy/not a minion are all relevant factors, but note that not-a-minion is very likely to be satisfied) bring us to:

  1. Marshal
  2. Simon
  3. Magnus

Magnus is another double-claim but I’m not willing to clear him 100 percent on that basis because I think he’s currently doubled up with Italy and they could have just never exchanged bluffs

I also have information on Isaac but not, like, 100 percent full information

So yeah, Marshal/Simon/Magnus is my immediate Demon PoE; Italy/Wazza/Isaac are very likely minions.

I need to confirm one thing first;
/Whisper @eevee** (Eevee)

I’m less confident about the second part of this because we strongly suspect there’s a normal Drunk in play and with Channel-master also in play that essentially gives us two Drunks

If there’s a fortune-teller in play they should probably check Simon (and a second person obviously), he seems to have the most Demon equity of anyone on the list

@Isaac_Gonzalez give me thoughts on Simon please

Simon is probably town, no lynch him.

Why do you think Simon is town?

…it could be Isaac/Magnus/Wazza

though in that case why did Magnus double up

because i’m The demon he does come off as scummy to me.

  • doesn’t


Who do you think is the Demon?

Why do people think some are minions, some are demons, but just not group them together?

How does anyone tell who is what specific class just by reading?

Maybe it’s Wazza.

People who counterclaim other people are more likely to be Minions than Demons because the Demon gets bluffs and can use that to avoid claiming an in-play character

/Whisper This_Nickname_Sucks (Eevee)

It’s probably not Wazza because he claimed the Mayor, which is my class (a class in play). If he were the Demon he would have been given a list of out-of-play classes and would have been able to claim one of them.

Eevee mentioned that, but it doesn’t say so in op, so I don’t trust that idea.

Ignoring this because no proof.
(The second part)